• “A book full of her truths and inspires living your best life. Corrie is a gifted healer and she has poured her heart and personal healing journey into this book. It is a gift to us from her soul. It is meant to help you find YOUR journey to healing and to do more than exist. Find your life’s purpose. Heal your trauma. It is inspirational and worth reading and getting inspired to follow Corrie Thorne. You will be happy you met her!”

    — Rhonda Croteau

  • “From the darkness, Corrie walks daring to question her human conditioning and willing to risk it all in pursuit of the light that draws her to her personal truth. A journey of compassion, forgiveness, and enlightenment. Forever changing and evolving as she finds a voice of love rather than pain. It’s a journey of a women will balls enough to step into her light inviting us to walk beside her one step at a time. Do we dare to be so courageous to step forward into our own beautiful light?”

    — Julie VanCaeseele

  • “This book is magical and real all in one! A raw healing journey of her own helps us all live a life of more than existing!”

    — Krista Bellefeuille

Author Corrie Thorne holding copies of her books: More Than Existing and My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection.

More Than Existing

with Corrie Thorne

We exist in a world created on illusions of the imagination’s ability to create. Most of what we stand on as truth is built from the views of old versions of ourselves or convictions we hold as truth from the stories of the mind’s view. 

What if the story that you hold a conviction to today becomes a lie tomorrow? What do you do, defend it or question it? Do you seek a new truth? What and who is your mirror today? Have the courage to look deep into you before you reflect your emotions onto another. 

Truth one day can possibly not be a truth that aligns to you the next. Have the courage to question your stories that became the whys to the ways you have lived your life. Not every truth you accept is a whole truth, it’s built on perspectives and opinions. Maybe your views are just that, opinions, and what if they are built on weak foundations? 

How are your beliefs creating how you feel about yourself and your world? 

What if your one victory today is discovering a new truth that may release a little of that judgement that’s had a hold on you?

What if one new truth transforms instead of living conformed? 

When you free yourself of the convictions you are conditioned to accept the conditions that you live in change! 

More Than Existing with Corrie Thorne

More Than Existing

More Than Existing is a story of love and healing as Corrie shares her struggles and pain narrated through the eyes and memories of the woman she is today along with the Divine channels that walk alongside her. Through learning to revisit and truly see through the eyes of others, including the so called “enemies” she released the energy tied to being a victim, and instead transmuted the trauma and pain, into an energy of love. She is no longer defined by the past, and has learned to truly see her worth, value, and importance of establishing clear boundaries as she now walks a path of More Than Existing. The journey from arriving here in human form to becoming the women she is today has not been easy, but it has been worth every step. Readers will see themselves walking through their own stories, looking through new eyes, and applying the wisdom and knowledge shared by Corrie in learning to take ownership and responsibility for their life. This is a healing journey, when one allows themselves to receive the messages and blessings embedded within every page. Corrie has developed a complete self-actualization coaching program based on the principles of learning to live a life of More Than Existing. Her deepest wish is for readers to know that they are worthy and deserve to find happiness and joy, by first understanding that this is found within each of us and not within the approval or acceptance so often sought from others.

The journey continues with the second book in the More Than Existing™ series

My Truth Of Existing Beyond The Reflection

Corrie Thorne, Author & Creator

“Corrie in the reflection of a dusty mirror could see the truth of the woman who was standing on the other side waiting to finally be free of being defined by half heart truths.”


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to watch your human self through the eyes of your soul?

Born with an ability to see beyond, Corrie Thorne a Mystic and Channel shares through her personal journey what it's like to do just that and how you too may start to see yourself through your Divine light within.

This is a book about the restoration, or the call to restore the truth of integrity, but without speaking of the word integrity or the dictionary’s definition of the term.

“Through stories and feeling for another we can discover the power of feeling for ourselves. Unlocking and opening a pathway to the mind and eyes of the high heart, a space wherein lies the discovery of the lies we accepted. The confidence we thought we had because we believed and created a version of us that became the reflection of the world of our existence. A world built on suppression, weak foundations, and an even weaker sense of integrity.”

Through Corrie’s own eyes, one day and many days following, she saw all the way to the seat of the soul. She had no desire to complicate it or make herself appear smarter or wiser, but a real desire to sit. Through the confident self she gave to the world, Corrie tells the whole story of the simpler, beautiful soul who only wanted one thing - to see her own truth and to strengthen the integrity that had separated her from the essence of her souls true vibration of true unconditioned love.

Corrie needed to become small to write the books that contained a powerful message that we are all so much more than we ever believed, it’s the rules and the definitions that limit us.

This is the way home to not being defined, even by the world that lives to judge. Always take that one last glance and ask yourself, “Who are you doing this life for?” If your answer is, “Me”, Corrie asks you this, “Who is the me you are trying to bring contentment and satisfaction to?”

What does it mean to live a life of More Than Existing?

The beginning of a journey to more than “just” exist

Meet the Author, Corrie Thorne

Author and Creator of the More Than Existing™ book and self-actualization coaching program. Corrie, a woman who is keeping it real! She is blended in love and ancestral diversity, a woman of Mi’kmaq First Nations descent, blessed to channel the wisdom of the ancestors and the divine. A mystic, keynote speaker, certified psychic medium, oracle card reader, Reiki master and teacher, spiritual and past life healer, and so much more.

A business woman for over 30 years, she knows how to fail, fall, and get back up. Today she knows her worth, she knows what it takes to build a great team. Corrie’s mission has always been to talk with people, not just to people. To make every voice and face matter, for we all have the same light within. She brings the guidance of love from all in the spirit world, that we are here to experience the moment with awe, wonder, with faith, and not fear.

Today she is More Than Existing™ and after years of making women look beautiful from the outside in and being the unpaid life coach, she changed gears, stepped away, healed the wounded Healer in her, and started a movement to guide others through what she knows works to change themselves from the inside-out, move beyond the reflection of the fear, and into a life of More Than Existing™ a professional life/ business coach who truly walks the talk!